
Why I F‎#$%ing Love Nature!

Rebelution Yoga & Therapeutic Center | Mindfulness & Meditation Training Online

You know that famous quote attributed to John Muir, “Into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.” I totally get it. My soul feels most at home in nature. The ocean, the desert, the forest, the mountains… it doesn’t matter, as long as there are no distractions. It took me a long time to understand the beautiful ache I feel when I’m hiking a trail with bare feet, or plunging into an ice cold mountain stream, or discovering the first signs of spring budding on the trees. It’s my soul’s greatest longing. A desire for real presence. Nowhere else do I feel so deeply connected to myself, Mother Earth, and the present moment. This is the embodiment of mindfulness. And our souls crave it.

We move—almost constantly, and seldom silently. Next time you find yourself in nature (whatever that looks like for you), try this mindfulness practice to connect more fully to yourself and our world through the 5 senses. Use sight, smell, taste, feeling, hearing to create a greater connection to you! Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, with eyes open or closed, depending on your environment. Take three deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Tune in to the sounds coming from all around you. Remain still and quiet as your hearing expands outward. Take in every sound as part of the experience. Now tune into the smells coming from all around you. Use your sense of smell to navigate your surroundings, taking in layer after layer of sensation. Now tune into the taste in your mouth. Perhaps there’s a lingering taste of the last thing you ate or drank. Perhaps you can taste some of the same smells you just experienced. Or perhaps you don’t taste anything at all, but just the thought of it makes your mouth start to water. Now tune into the image in front of you, behind your eyelids, or in your mind’s eye. Perhaps there is no image. Perhaps you see color, shapes, or patterns. Perhaps you see clear images as if you were having a daydream. Finally, tune into the sensation of your own body in connection with Mother Earth. Feel her strong ground beneath you. Feel the texture and temperature of the earth. Feel how her support allows you to rest easier in your body. Ask her to teach you how to quiet internal noise and truly understand your connection to the nature around you. When you’re ready to continue forward, take three deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. And as you continue your journey, trust that you hold the answers and Wherever you are is home.

Did you know we offer outdoor private sessions for our local clients? Check out our “Private Yoga & Therapeutics” page at, and set up a private session with one of our experienced professionals today!

Love always, Heather Sky